
3BT – fox, Staedtler, tip/chillis/nearly, Jupiter

1. I startle a fox as I open the gate to the woodstore. It quickly scurries across the logs, and I watch its fluffy tail disappear.

2. A new pack of Staedtler pencils – and not just the usual HBs. I select a H and enjoy the thin scratches it makes on the paper.

3. Kaufman sits on the stool looking at me, with just the tip of his tongue on show.

3b. The fresh smell of the chilli blended with a bit of water. Then tingling starts in my nostrils.

3c. I manage to avoid getting any chilli or lime juice in the cut on my finger until the very, very end of the meal.

4. Jupiter is so bright I can see it from where I’m sitting on the sofa. But I still make the effort: through the binoculars alone, we can see three of its moons and through the telescope, we can see the dark bands too. It skips out of the lens at regular intervals but it’s so clear that we find it again, time after time.

3BT – punch & pencil, old Lily, lines

1. Hole punching 180 pages and lining them up neatly in the folder. A sharp pencil to make notes.

2. Lily perks up after a bit of (what she thinks is) cat food. She bounces (a little bounce) for her Bonio and joins me looking through her treat box – we lie together on the floor and my hand grows hot from the friction of stroking her fur. I tell her that we’re in the same spot where we first lay down together then I feed her treats until her tail wags. A half hour of old Lily :)

3. Black lines on blue.

3BT – lunch, felt/texture, moody moon

1. Lunch is a store-cupboard affair – but surprisingly tasty all the same.

2. I re-full some felt work from a couple of years ago – it hadn’t felted properly back then and as a result had been tucked away rather than finished. Now though, with a bit of hot water and elbow grease, it contracts and firms like magic.

2b. Wisps of turquoise and flashes of shiny white ramie add depth and texture to the water.

3. The streaks of cloud are steady in front of the full moon. It looks like the backdrop in an old Hollywood film.

3BT – shadow, chop, paint

1. Tilda is strangely clingy, my little shadow all day – rolling on her back catching fingers (usually bathmat behaviour) in the living room, investigating the woodstore when I’m outside, and sitting on my desk cushion (but flinching at every ping while John is changing his guitar strings) in the office. She ends the day in the same way as she begins it: curled up next to me on the sofa, a silky black ball on the colourful blanket.

2. The times when the wood gives way easily under the blade of the axe. I take the best pieces – the ones with the cleanest breaks or the most interesting edges – for more creative uses while the rest fills the kindling bin.

3. The paint looks impossibly inky on the palette but it’s a rich indigo on the page.

3BT – hug, right light, flavours

1. We’re just about to get up when Lily clambers up the bed. She stretches out in between us for a hug, which she gets from four hands. Slightly later, when John gets out of bed, I put my arm right around her.

2. The new light is not too blue and not too orange. Goldilocks would approve.

3. The cloves in the rice, the marinated chicken, the sweet sauce on the chaat.

3BT – sales, t-shirt, click

1. I didn’t intend to shop, just go to order some new (sun)glasses, but the end of the Christmas sales – 70% discounts in some places, 50% in others that weren’t as expensive to start with – is too much to resist. The glasses are a bargain too – with my voucher and the sale price, I get them for a quarter of the ticket price.

2. I act out of character and ask for something a little unexpected – I ask the staff at the marvellous Pizza Pieces if I could buy one of their prototype-for-staff t-shirts for John. They seem a little confused but sell me one at cost – I try to offer more “for their trouble” but they won’t hear of it. John is delighted with his exclusive fashion item.

3. Two of my joints click in unison, a dull stereo sound.