We go over to Manchester to see Admiral Fallow. I find his heels endearing again.
1. A quick dinner turns into a five course Chinese banquet. We eat too much and it takes so long that we miss the support act – but it’s good: not the best we’ve ever had but subtler and includes more interesting flavours than we’ve had in a long time.
1b. As we walk from the restaurant to the venue, John tries a character voice for the first time. We both, in unison, declare it to be very good but one which he should never do again.
2. The bar has just one can of Dr Pepper left but that’s all I need.
2b. We decide to sit down at the back, but it’s a small venue so we can still see everything clearly. I watch a finger getting tired as it plays a single repetitive note for half a song and across the stage, other hands dancing over another keyboard. Filling out the sense, I pick out the sound of the flute, the clarinet and the barely there vocals, and I hear – no, feel – the three man drum beat as the song reaches its finale.
3. We’re happily walking back to the car when we both stop in our tracks. It’s not just any gelato bar but the same garish pink mini-chain that we frequent in Bradford. It would be rude not to stop by.