
The general parent category for most of the things I write about on here.

One of the more interesting Louisa-centric sub-categories is biodata (where I explore my personal history with graphs, maps and whatnot), and if you’re that way inclined, you can read about the wonderful felines and canines with whom I’ve shared my life too.

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2011-01-16)

  • ? @really_good: Dreamt about making jam. #preservingnerd #
  • Have done a ridiculously small amount of work this week. Must try harder. Or must stop caring about work output. One or the other. #
  • Two hour power cut. When does the power come back on? Just as i finally finally find and light all the candles. Sigh. #
  • Tried kheer for the first time – pistachio-y creamy rice pudding – yummo! #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2011-01-09)

  • Dog got all antsy during the Great Yorkshire Earthquake of 2011. By "all antsy" I mean "didn't wake up". Perhaps she sensed it in her sleep. #
  • I was once NEARLY KILLED by Clive Anderson (I was crossing the road, he had to slow down and shoo me out of the way) #lametofame #
  • The old guy who gets blinded in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves once stopped another minor celebrity from flirting with me. Boo! #lametofame #
  • ? @really_good: The insanity of the VAT-on-food regulations #
  • ? @really_good: Ooh first wild mushroom find of the new year and it's a good 'un – oyster mushrooms on a dead birch stump in the woods :D #
  • Just got a 131 point word on scrabble on the ds – 'alerting', the a on one triple word score, the g on another. Yay me! ;) #
  • @Scampering: dooooooooooooooooooooomed! but also, a little woo or two for getting it finished :) #
  • ? @johnleach: Dog thinks she's people. Sleepy people. #
  • Laptop has crashed bizarrely twice today, think it's dying. And so the soul-destroying search for a new one begins… #
  • @urbanwide I can't decide whether that's a good thing or a bad thing ;) #
  • @urbanwide haha, I totally didn't spot that ;) #
  • I seem to have forgotten how to get to sleep. SUCKS. #
  • ? @really_good: Yay! I've got 4 people on board for my "buy less than 12 items of clothing in 2011" thing! Anyone else want to join the fun? #
  • @sarahjarvis: it's bloomin' hard. As @strowger78 says, you have to pick your battles carefully but I think it's worth it. #
  • OH (from my sickbed): "I'm going to give you a goodbye tickle of your tummy … not yours John". #
  • Our neighbour is listening to getting-in-the-mood-to-go-out music. Apparently he's going out to a Spanish nightclub in 1985. Very fun! #
  • Possibly time to sort out our medicine cabinet: I just had to choose between cough medicine a year out of date or four years out of date. #
  • @LouiseEbrey: Sounds like a good challenge. Hope it goes well :) #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2011-01-02)

  • @tim_waters: yep! ;) #
  • A great day. :D #
  • @tim_waters: hurrah! hope you enjoyed :) #
  • Inspired by @101ofawolf's cat acquisition plans, I started looking at local rescue sites & their cats in need of homes. The dog just sighed. #
  • Had a lovely time but mediocre cake with Katherine in Saltaire. #
  • A random tall man at the supermarket saw my desperate need for just-out-of-reach muffins & grabbed them for me. Hurrah for random tall men. #
  • I hate being ill at the weekend. Boo. #
  • @emmakirton @davidquinn so sorry to hear that, he looks like he was a lovely happy chap. my thoughts are with you guys :( #
  • @Caius: yeah, I feel the same way about both cathedrals and beautiful old pubs ;) #

11 Goals for 2011

Compared to last year, these seem a lot less varied – almost entirely simple living stuff. I think it’s partly because for many, it’ll mean they’re easier to accomplish so I can actually feel some achievement (unlike last year’s disappointing 2 out of 10 hit rate) and partly because this is where my interests are at the moment. No point making goals that I know in my heart of heart I have no interest in achieving!

1. Increase the food output from our garden and make a meal only using stuff I’ve grown/foraged/caught/killed which can be cooked off-grid
The driving goal of last year will be the main one for 2011 too – I want to dramatically increase the amount of food we produce in our garden this year. This means using our limited growing space in smarter ways (intercropping & continual use) and creating more growing space (more containers, baskets & wall planters etc).

I’m not sure how to measure this yet – a lot of people measure by weight but I think that underplays the value of light things – like salad, herb & chillis etc – and I don’t want to just grow heavy things in order to meet an arbitrary goal.

The second bit extends last year’s goal a little. The “cooked off-grid” bit will hopefully encourage me to make a rocket stove and/or solar oven — both things that have been on my vague to-do list for a while.

2. Learn how to successfully take and propagate cuttings from every applicable type of perennial plant/shrub in the house/garden
I save seeds where I can but that’s not always appropriate/possible – I’d like to learn more about taking and propagating cuttings to decrease my reliance on garden centres etc for certain types of plants. (Eventually, I’d hope this would include tree grafting but this won’t be in 2011.)

3. Create my own font – possibly of my handwriting
This is a bit of a nerdy one but something I’ve thought about doing for a while. I use a lot of handwriting fonts for personal projects and it would be nice to use my handwriting (such as it is) for a change.

4. Make a piece of furniture for the house (woodworking)
I’ve very much enjoyed making bits for the garden and want to continue doing that. But as I get better, I’d like to make something for the house to force me to learn and refine actual skills.

5. Make an entire outfit (to include conquering sewing patterns)
One brought over from 2010 – something I’d still very much like to do. I think I might need to attend a class or find a mentor to teach me about making stuff from patterns before I can really get going.

6. Go fishing in the North Sea
Another brought over from 2010 because I’m disorganised and didn’t get it booked in in time.

7. Learn how to screenprint
I increasingly find myself wanting to do art projects that would be much better and easier if I knew how to screenprint.

8. Buy no more than 12 items of clothing across the year
This is one of my big goals that I’ve talked about more on The Really Good Life. It’s more about reducing consumption than saving money – I might end up spending a similar amount because I buy better quality items.

9. Finish a developed piece of fiction writing
A bit of a vague one but I want to keep my options open – it might be a short story, it might be a one-act play, it might be a graphic novel, it might be a full length play or it might be a novel – I’ve got ideas for all five in my mind right now. I start a lot of things but I haven’t seen anything right the way through to the end of a while – and I’d like to get back into the habit of that.

10. Specific food makery and/or eatery (because if I did them all separately it would take up half the list):

a) Bake at least once a week
I really enjoy the process and the output but I don’t always make the time for it I should. I’m probably not far off this anyway but I’m going to add it to my recurring to-do list prompter to make sure I make time for it regularly in the future.

b) Grow a sourdough starter and make bread from it
I’ve tried growing starters a few times but not managed to get them lively enough to bake a loaf from them (or they’ve got too lively – with bad rather than good yeasts). I want to crack this!

c) Make a hard cheese
I went on a cheesemaking course last September and I loved it – but have yet to put into practise the things I learned. This year, I want to change that. I want to make proper soft cheese and a hard cheese too.

d) Try ten vegetables (or veggie wild foods) that I’ve not tried before
I know people that have goals to eat as many different kinds of animal as possible – but while I do enjoy many meats, I fancy having a veggie/wild food goal instead. I’m going to keep a track of the types of veg/veggie wild foods I eat so I can see how (un)varied my diet is – and force myself to try new stuff.

e) Build a cold smoking cabinet, try cold smoking more stuff & try hot smoking too
We loved the cheese I cold smoked last summer and I want to extend my smoking range. Since my last smoker cabinet got damp & fell apart (it was made from a cardboard box), I’ve been wanting to make a new one. I also want to try smoking meats and/or fish, as well as more cheese, chillis, eggs and other things.

11. Participate more in the real world – engage more with our local community and meet some internet people in real life
The goal is from last year but with a different suffix (last year was about organising an event). The first part isn’t a SMART goal because it’s not very specific or measurable – I might try to pin it down further as the year goes on. The second part is easier to measure and something I’ve been meaning to do for a while.

I’ll be adding some more not-quite-goals on The Really Good Life soon too.

10 goals for 2010 – end of year round-up

So at the start of 2010, I set myself 10 goals:

  • 1. To make a meal using only ingredients I’ve grown, raised, caught or killed myself.
  • 2. To travel to a place on my “top ten places to go before I die” list.
  • 3. Finish writing my second novel.
  • 4. Learn how to make sausages – wet English style ones and cured ones too.
  • 5. Spend at least a day fishing out on the North Sea.
  • 6. Finally finish learning how to drive.
  • 7. Make a full outfit’s worth of clothing for myself – including spinning any wool used.
  • 8. Learn how to program and make a mini-game/application using Ruby.
  • 9. Climb a mountain or at least a jolly big hill.
  • 10. Participate more in the real world – plan/run a real life green event or scheme.

I achieved just two of them. TWO!

I am, understandably, a bit disappointed with that but as I mentioned throughout the year, the goals were supposed to put me on a journey rather than being the destination.

The two goals I did achieve (“To make a meal using only ingredients I’ve grown, raised, caught or killed myself” and “Learn how to make sausages”) were part of my overall desire to adopt a more simple, DIY life and I think that’s going wonderfully in the right direction. The making an outfit goal was part of that – and while I didn’t meet that goal, I did learn to spin wool, I experimented with dyeing yarn too and I also made some attempts at sewing clothes. The fishing goal was a failure due to procrastination and disorganisation – it’s on the list for next year and by-huff-or-by-puff, it’s going to happen.

The last two (“Climb a mountain or at least a jolly big hill” and “Participate more in the real world”) were in an effort to get me out from behind my computer and/or off the sofa. With Lily’s arrival in March, we started walking in “our” woods every day and most weekends (one or both days) see us heading further afield for strolls. That’s a good thing. I didn’t realise what a small-talk-instigator dogs are either – I think we know considerably more people (and their dogs) than if we’d gone out wandering in the woods on our own. Another good thing. Also, while it’s not green-related, I get out and meet people regularly through my work & play at Bingley Little Theatre – this year I’ve helped with two productions and summer showcase, as well as helping teach two classes a week. A frickin’ ace thing.

I have less-than-almost-ever interest in learning to drive. I’m not scared or anything, there just doesn’t seem a lot of point to it. Occasionally I think it would be useful if I could drive somewhere instead of having to enlist John but I don’t have enough sustained motivation to start learning again – and finding the time/money is another issue. I’ve also rethought my position on my travel goal – as I wrote in my November goal update, the way we’d have to do it feels too much like consumerism, to much to have and not to be. So I’m not bothered that I haven’t achieved that either.

The novel thing and the Ruby thing are probably my biggest disappointments – nothing other than procrastination/excitement about other things stopping me there really. A revised version of the novel one will be on my goal list for 2011. The Ruby one probably won’t be – but that’s not to say I don’t want to learn — I think I will love programming when I get into it – I just need to find a new book/teaching method first.

So that’s it for 2010. The goal achievements were worth the disappointments. The rest of my life was similar – had some awesome wins, had some dark spots, some new starts and left some things behind.

Team Peach expanded (Lily-dog and the chicken tribe) but sadly contracted too (we lost Carbon). I’ve eaten a helluva lot of good food, read many many good books (highlights: lots of stuff from the first half of the 20th Century including ‘Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day’ by Winifred Watson, ‘Good Evening Mrs Craven and other stories’ by Mollie Panter Downes and ‘The Death of Grass’ by John Christopher), learned a lot of new stuff and laughed loads.

As That Tommy Hall would say, 2010, you’ve been a year.

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-12-26)

  • We'd let the dog sleep on the bed for warmth & reassurance. She thanked us by vomiting up a lake of sick at 4am. Poor doggy, poor duvet. #
  • @Scampering: some nasty burning wood resin has made our house smell like damp vomit. Swap ya. ;) #
  • ? @really_good: We had a frozen egg in the nest box this morning! #
  • Wish I didn't have to go out tonight. I'm tired and it's cold. Boo to commitments made in better weather/pet-health conditions! #
  • Wanted cheap one-click-install hosting, went with Servage. Big mistake: frequent DB accessing errors, domain issues, email issues etc. Avoid #
  • Dog is trying to convince us that she intended to do that backwards somersault while licking her bum. Exactly what she planned to do. #
  • @xbaz: i just paid mine too – must be the day for it. ;) #
  • Today I dealt with 3 different types of animal poo before breakfast & drew cheers from the neighbours by saying "we had solid poo today" #
  • Sometimes I think the dog wags her tail not out of happiness/hopefulness but to waft the fart smell away from her so she can blame the cat. #
  • ? @johnleach: pipe burst, kitchen flooded. Took the opportunity and put some soap down before mopping up. Clean floor! #
  • I appear to have inadvertently got into a staring contest with a squirrel. #
  • I made this for @johnleach because I have the sense of humour of a 12 year old – (it's a fennel seed cracker) #
  • ? @johnleach: tracked deer tracks through the snow in the woods. saw a huge fox. #
  • Had a great weekend – curry Friday night, pizza yesterday, lots of homemade baked goodies, relaxing dog walks and a Bill & Ted doublebill #
  • Listening to some of the worst trash talking ever while @johnleach, @giannitedesco & dathan are playing mariokart. #