
The general parent category for most of the things I write about on here.

One of the more interesting Louisa-centric sub-categories is biodata (where I explore my personal history with graphs, maps and whatnot), and if you’re that way inclined, you can read about the wonderful felines and canines with whom I’ve shared my life too.

Insert pussy-on-webcam joke here


Boron has been sat between me and my laptop for about 20 minutes now, letting me kiss him while I type.

Apparently I only use my webcam for pictures of me with the cats.

Me & Carla in March:

Me and Boron in May:

Me and Boron in July:

Me and Carla in July:

Me and Carla in October:

Then today – me and B:

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-10-17)

  • The best thing about the weather getting colder – increased animal love. #
  • (I mean actual animals – the cats and dog – I'm not being euphemistic about the leach) #
  • In case anyone is following this and the RSS feed for my old site, ThingsToDoToday – the domain lapsed and isn't mine any more. Regretful. #
  • Had a lovely long walk and tea & tiffin at Golden Acre Park with Katherine, Joe & Lily dog. #
  • Manic 5 hours – the head drama tutor was away so we had to lead the two classes ourselves. Could have been better but no one died. So win. #
  • Had a dream that Gael Garcia Bernal was rescuing about-to-be-abused kittens. CUTEST. DREAM. EVER. #
  • Goat curry with Team @Brightbox then took the hound for a long walk around Roundhay Park. Lots o' fun. #
  • I've done a crapload of work today. Time to celebrate productivity (and kinda the end of a project too) with a large quantity of junk food. #
  • Just used Yahoo for a search. First time in a decade. How are they still in business? #
  • Interesting article about microloans in this month's Red Pepper. Just because it feels good doesn't mean it's doing good. #
  • Hung curtains in the office, walked & foraged at Thackley, de-pooped the chicken coop, tidied garden, found potatoes, now food & collapse. #
  • .@johnleach is giving me a double thumbs up to try to convince me that "garlicky choc digestive" is the new taste sensation. Do not believe. #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-10-10)

  • Starting to sleep badly. I love sleeping so this sucks a lot. #
  • Got to enjoy a Maureen's today – saw what all of Team @brightbox have been raving about. Yum, but definitely needed extra sauce though. #
  • Tried to have a bit of a lie in but the animals weren't having any of it – Lily started rhythmically kicking my legs & Carla sat on my face. #
  • I love how Marcus Mumford pronounces consonants. #
  • Enjoying making up definitions for real words on #
  • Good weekend – enjoyed seeing @thattommyhall on Friday/yesterday, a couple of woodland walks, picked apples & made kickass chapatis this eve #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-10-03)

  • It's a year today since we moved into our new house – it's way more work than we thought but no regrets, we're very happy here :) #
  • Thrown off by how early @johnleach left for LeedsRubyThing, I've been considering going to bed, only to look up and realise it's not 8pm yet #
  • When did Twitter change their text-in updates number to a short code rather than a mobile number? Many tweets lost. Bah. #
  • Met the youngest Jarvis, had a milkshake, nearly lost a shoe to mud, curry later. Good day! #
  • Read The World in Winter by John Christopher. First half disturbing-an interesting spin on things, second half dull. Deus ex machina a go go #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-10-03)

  • It's a year today since we moved into our new house – it's way more work than we thought but no regrets, we're very happy here :) #
  • Thrown off by how early @johnleach left for LeedsRubyThing, I've been considering going to bed, only to look up and realise it's not 8pm yet #
  • When did Twitter change their text-in updates number to a short code rather than a mobile number? Many tweets lost. Bah. #
  • Met the youngest Jarvis, had a milkshake, nearly lost a shoe to mud, curry later. Good day! #
  • Read The World in Winter by John Christopher. First half disturbing-an interesting spin on things, second half dull. Deus ex machina a go go #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-09-26)

  • Trying to find people in #BD10 who want allotments. There are 100+ on the waiting lists for spaces around Greengates! #
  • @neilwilson the plan is to go to them quoting that Act: we need a list of 6 registered voters/council tax payers so I'm trying to find them. in reply to neilwilson #
  • @thattommyhall i think it's spelled n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w-n-e-w… in reply to thattommyhall #
  • Took our neighbours' puppy Benny for a walk – so cute watching him and Lily running around the field together, tails wagging in unison :) #
  • Looking for neat, pretty ways to display blog post meta data rather than the usual end-of-post texty dump. Any suggestions? #
  • Somewhat regretting going with @morethan. Unhelpful website error messages, spent 10mins on the phone only to be told the wrong thing. Grr. #
  • Just had a cat purring away on one leg and the dog stretched out on her back on the other leg/my body. Our animals are frickin' ace together #
  • @tokengeek i regularly get mocked for saying light black but i maintain it's a colour. Eg faded black jeans aren't grey, they're light black in reply to tokengeek #
  • Had an unexpectedly intense morning visiting @johnleach's family. Need a nice calm afternoon to compensate now. #
  • @SlowFoodWYorks booked tickets for me and @johnleach – can't wait :) in reply to SlowFoodWYorks #
  • Worried about the state of my brain today – had 3 weird very-short-term blips this morning. It clearly needs feeding with tea & biscuits. #
  • Heard constant police/ambulance sirens for nearly the entire 30mins I was out with the dog. Something going down in Apperley Bridge? #bd10 #
  • Struggling to buy tickets to see @divinecomedyhq live – ticket selling websites giving credit card errors even though cards are fine, sigh.. #
  • Been battling WordPress designs for weeks now. Feel like I'm finally making some progress. Lots of work still do to though. #
  • @TweetsByAlex i believe there are CMYK plugins for GIMP but I've not used them so don't know how good they are… in reply to TweetsByAlex #
  • Was in a great mood, now not so much. Designing by committee is useful in some ways but painful in others. Sigh. #