
The general parent category for most of the things I write about on here.

One of the more interesting Louisa-centric sub-categories is biodata (where I explore my personal history with graphs, maps and whatnot), and if you’re that way inclined, you can read about the wonderful felines and canines with whom I’ve shared my life too.

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-08-01)

  • .@johnleach is claiming the jointly-bought lego is his. he is lying. time to call the whole thing off? #
  • Looking at pictures of snowy landscapes and having World of Warcraft flashbacks: fighting Ice Thistle yetis near Everlook. #LikeNamForNerds #
  • .@johnleach's spaghetti sauce smells awesome, can't wait to eat it. #notaeuphemism #
  • Considering going back to bed. #
  • Just sent Lily for a walk for the next-door-but-one neighbour and their dog – her first walk without us. Felt like the first school. #
  • Lily ran home as soon as she was let off lead. Now sulking at being forced to go in the first place. Reminds me a lot of my time at nursery #
  • Had a lovely walk to the meadow with Lily & Boron. When we got there, B & I cuddled in the sun while Lily did dog things. Win all round. #
  • Anyone got any *personal* finance software recommendations (web-based or linux)? (not freelancing/small business ones) #
  • @strowger78 Just playing with that at the moment since I'm obv familiar with Xero. Got some probs that seem almost insurmountable though. in reply to strowger78 #
  • @thattommyhall setting up spreadsheets seems more work than just importing statements into decent software. Plus auto-made graphs, purr… in reply to thattommyhall #
  • @strowger78 heh. personal xero also has less graphs on the dashboard than business xero, that's another black mark against it. in reply to strowger78 #
  • Spent all evening trying different personal finance software apps. All either massively over-complicated or missing key basic features. Sigh #
  • No internet this morning, boo. Have been trying to write an article offline, got 2000 words, all useless, sigh. #
  • Deliberately lost in the woods. Found fallen down buildings, odd manmade structures & cool fungi. @johnleach will be well jealous. #
  • Also i know it's evil but i love the smell of himalayan balsam #
  • Just had one of those moments where you think you know where you're going but have actually just walked in a circle. Now stuck in a holl … #
  • Oh, fyi, my marker to tell me i'd walked in a circle was a hole that looked like a shallow grave. Possibly not so ace. #
  • (The texted tweet which got cut off ended "now stuck in a holly bush after a path suddenly ended. Ace") #
  • Trying to decide whether I should spend the afternoon doing or sitting. Sitting is looking like a forerunner at the moment. #
  • Shopping for jam making supplies has used up all my jam making energy. At least I have it in for next time. And I also have ice cream. #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-07-25)

  • Has ordered her birthday fun-pack: a book on smoking & curing food, a cold smoke generator & various wood dusts. Bring on the wild times! #
  • Just cleaned grease splatters off my glasses with my tshirt, now my top smells of bacon. #
  • Last night I dreamt that I was quantum-leaping, trying to put right what once went wrong etc, but instead of Scott Bakula, it was Nick Cave. #
  • Breakfast curry in bed courtesy of @johnleach and the sweet centre. A*W*E*S*O*M*E #
  • @IdleSi don't know about the Depot but The Wall on Gelderd Road in Wortley has a good combination of walls and bouldering in reply to IdleSi #
  • Finally got the results of the asbestos tests on our old house – it's clear so we can sell it without having to pay out £6k+ first! Hurrah! #
  • Made pizza for lunch. Ate too much pizza for lunch. #
  • Made paneer today, first time in ages. 2ltrs milk made 400g cheese. Going to make bread from the whey if animals don't drink it all first. #
  • New 3BT post: 31 Beautiful Things #
  • Lovely walk with @johnleach, Lily & Benny from next-door-but-one around Golden Acre park/nature reserve. Doggies had much fun! #
  • @davidsmalley oh no, poor little boy :( in reply to davidsmalley #
  • @davidsmalley that's the excuse I use for my errant behaviour too. All my crap knees' fault. in reply to davidsmalley #
  • Fan suddenly got really loud when I opened Firefox. Started panic-closing all my apps to stave off a crash. Turned out it was the cooker fan #
  • Procrastinating over writing something. Now have the sharpest pencils in all the land. If I don't crack it soon, I might even tidy my desk. #
  • Thought "I'll do that fun 15min design task to finish the week". Spent 2.5hrs on it & now want to redesign the whole website. B-bye weekend. #
  • Hurrah! the sun's gone away – that means I can start cold smoking cheese without it all melting. Let the postponed birthday fun commence! #
  • RT @really_good Coldsmoked cheese first time going well! 3 types of cheese,will leave a block of each in for 3/6/10hrs to see the difference #
  • New 3BT post: Bagels, impromptu walk, cheesetastic #
  • New 3BT post: Crack, a pretty coincidence, accomplishment #
  • Laptop is on lap therefore lapcat has to sit on boobs. Is now boobcat. #

Goal #1 “make a meal using only ingredients I’ve grown myself” – DONE!

This was my dinner this evening – courgette frittata with side salad – and it was made entirely using things from our garden (with the exception of the wild garlic pods – some were from our garden, others from further into the woods).

– courgette (although I only used one in the end – could have used a bit more for flavour though)
– new potatoes
pickled wild garlic pods (not in picture)
– eggs (from yesterday, needed beating better hence the egg white bits)
– basil (grown from seed this year) & oregano (had for a few years)
– salad leaves (lollo rosso)
– chives
– and, ok ok, a little oil for frying the courgettes – a small cheat ;)

It could have used a bit of salt & pepper for flavour but other than that, was pretty damn good!

And that’s another goal ticked off my list.

31 Beautiful Things

In honour of my 31st birthday, here are 31 beautiful things from today. (Cross posted to my Three Beautiful Things blog.)

1. I’d gone to bed before John and it’s after midnight when he comes to bed. I stir as he climbs in next to me and we have a sleepy exchange, the content of which I can’t remember now. He finishes with a whisper of “happy birthday by the way” and I remember that.

2. The next time I wake up (well, it’s not the next time I wake up because I had to get up for a wee just after dawn and Carla woke me up again an hour after that, but for poetic licence, let’s say the next time I woke up), John’s stood in front of me holding something in his hands. I move the pillow from on top of my head and grab my glasses to see what it is – two carrier bags, containing chole & puree, and barfi & other sweet treats. Yum!

3. I notice that without its dust cover, my book matches the bedsheets.

4. Lily woofs and helicopter-tails around the room when George arrives. She brings him shoes and circles his legs. Lily loves George.

5. I sit on the stately patio chair – which I call “my birthday throne” – while John and George (unsuccessfully) attempt to split the giant logs. We laugh a lot at their efforts.

6. The poultry spice – a “mineral supplement and general tonic” – smells like an old fashioned sweet shop.

7. After introducing himself, the voice on the phone says simply “I’ve got good news”. His news should save us anywhere between £6,000 and £10,000, and months of coordinating building work. Very good news!

8. Despite being washed many times, my fingers still smell of the breakfast curry.

9. One of the scaredy cats from next door half-raises his tail when he sees me. When I’m feeding him & his brothers, he likes me a lot and we have big hugs but outside of those times, he’s a shy boy. The half tail raise is progress.

10. My mum breaks a 31 year tradition by buying me a birthday card without a cat on the front of it (it had a Lily-esque springer on it instead.)

11. Not-very-garlicky mushroom, olive and fresh basil.

12. Parma ham and more not-garlicky mushrooms.

13. Tuna, chilli and capers.

14. I add a new simple living blog and a new comic to my feed reader. It’s inspiring and invigorating to find new fellow travellers – but a bit of silliness is always welcome too.

15. The cats stand at right angles to each other as they drink the leftover tuna water. From directly above, the white rims of the bowls look like halos.

16. Splashes dribbling down the side of the pan produce a burning smell but every now and then, the sweet comforting warm milk smell breaks through.

17. Lily’s brown spots are strangely soft and silky today. (#notaeuphemism)

18. I squeeze the butter muslin and the curds form into a pleasingly round sphere. When I unwrap it, the cheese will be imprinted by the fine check of the fabric.

19. It’s dark – overcast and under many layers of tree cover – but still the grass and ferns glow an unearthly green.

20. The rain is heavy and sonorous but not unpleasant.

21. “Listen,” I tell John after directing him into the bedroom. A wet roar drowns out everything else but it’s not rain on trees like we both first thought: it’s the beck, flowing more heavily than it’s done in months. Just a few minutes earlier, we’d step through it on the stepping stones left by the last flood. Next time we cross it, we’ll have to navigate it anew.

22. Amongst the lines of light and shadow, the black cat sleeps in a ball.

23. The other black cat is asleep in the dog’s bed. I find him there when I get out of the bath. He looks dramatic against the neutral cushion and pastel blanket. He blinks at me as I dance around the room.

24. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of playing hide and seek with the dog. I can see why cats do it now – hide when they know they’ve not been seen then jump out. I don’t bat with the victim with my paws though, I give her a hug instead.

25. It’s at this point – after I’ve inserted an earlier beautiful thing and had to renumber the rest about five times – that I realise it would have been easier to use an ordered list (<old>) instead of doing it manually. I don’t know if the pay off is worth it now though. Oh, and I realise this isn’t really a beautiful thing but do you know how hard it is to come up with 31 of them? Even on a rather jolly pleasant day? It’s hard! ;)

26. Now we’re flanking her on the sofa, there isn’t quite so much room to stretch out length ways so she stretches across it instead. Her head dangles over the edge, her tongue lolling, her lips flapping.

27. I savour the parma ham. It feels like it’s melting on my tongue but it isn’t. I think if I could only eat one type of meat again for the rest of my life, it would be parma ham.

28. I point John at the most recent Hyperbole and a Half comic about her dog. He laughs loudly as the dog twists its head further in an attempt at understanding.

29. We watch “The Counterfeiters” – the next in my short, impromptu German language film festival. The subtitles aren’t quite right for some reason and the mistakes remind me of child language acquisition.

30. Carla sits on my knee throughout the film. I stroke her, she purrs.

31. We look at the dark window – not at the world outside but at the rooms behind us. It makes the living room seem new again and through the doorway, the dining room looks so lovely that I can’t believe it’s ours.

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-07-18)

  • is sat directly above @strowger78 who is sat next to @johnleach, who is sat next to wriggling grunting dog still a bit damp with rain etc. #
  • Day off to recover after last week's hecticness. This morning, I have mostly been sitting. The afternoon may involve similar. #
  • "There's some mince pasta sauce in the freezer. No, wait, it's …curry? Is it curry? What type of curry? Let's have that" #whylabelsaregood #
  • New 3BT post: A scene I reference way too much, treat time for them, treat time for me #
  • Looking at photos of the house when we first got the keys/moved in (last September). Sometimes forgot how much we've changed! #
  • New 3BT post: Mmm cheese, likes it there, cat love #
  • Ace lunch courtesy of @johnleach, the garden & the chickens – marrow flower fritters made with our homegrown flowers, courgettes & eggs :) #
  • Is there an emoticon for when you do the licking-between-your-fingers thing to mimic cunnilingus? \~/ maybe? #
  • Weather warning for West Yorks: I'm just about to take the dog for a walk. Expect it to start raining really heavily in three, two, one… #
  • A sales person rings the doorbell, I stop work, I go up stairs, I calm the dog, I'm polite, I say no thanks. Yes, I deserve the stink eye. #
  • .@johnleach wanted fish for tea – made spicy plaice goujons, with new potatoes sauted with chilli & green beans. was yum! #
  • New 3BT post: Hard copy, a different cat, hidden colour #
  • I've got yellow fingers from eating Dutchpot curry and a purple tongue from the accompanying grape soda. Yum! #
  • Took Lily to Leeds. She was less 'fraidy than we feared – likes the Sat. afternoon experience about as much as we do (ie, not much). #
  • New 3BT post: Reflections, shiny, brilliant #
  • Cleaned poop from the coop, now back in pyjamas. Might get dressed again later to do some gardening things, also might not. #
  • Bookmarks this page of poo pictures for future reference: Mmm chicken faeces. #
  • Think we need to get rid of the chickens – they're causing @johnleach to pun terribly. & #
  • New 3BT post: Splattered everywhere, happy to see him, surprise success #
  • @manupatree ooh, look forward to reading that! I'm using up a marrow glut too: cake, a cheesy baked dish & chutney. Tempted to try rum too. in reply to manupatree #


Boron is asleep in between us, a light absorbing blur. I put my hand down to stroke his chest and he starts to purr. His head stretches back to maximise the stroking area and hanging above, his paws are floppy and soft, the claws so completely retracted that it makes it hard to believe they’re there.


Ten years ago, Boron bit my finger through to the bone. He was a stray then, a proper straggly semi-feral stray. It took months of building up his confidence before he’d approach us, months more before he dared to stay the night. He thought I was taking food from him – from him, the starving stray – when he bit me: I was taking a wooden skewer from him, a vaguely meaty skewer from a long-eaten cumberland sausage. I screamed, as you do, when his fang pierced my skin but I think he knew I wasn’t screaming at him. He jumped back about a foot but only a foot, and looked at me with a quizzical stare. Was I going to lash out at him? Would I cave and give him back the splintering stick? I didn’t want to undo our hard work socialising him so wrapping a piece of kitchen roll around my finger and wincing at the pain, I bent down and stroked him. He didn’t shy away so I found him a treat, and only when the bite and the scream was forgotten, did I leave him to tend to my deep wound.
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