
The general parent category for most of the things I write about on here.

One of the more interesting Louisa-centric sub-categories is biodata (where I explore my personal history with graphs, maps and whatnot), and if you’re that way inclined, you can read about the wonderful felines and canines with whom I’ve shared my life too.

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2011-07-18)

  • Returning to real life after last week's glut of rehearsals and shows. Now to remember what my real life actually is… #
  • @LauraWelli: a bit random, but i'd like to try blacksmithing! (also, not sure if it's what you want but creative artisan foodie stuff too) #
  • @andatche funnily enough, if I'd been feeling better, we'd have been doing the same thing – have a fun time :) #
  • We've had a music singalong day in the Team Peach office. My throat hurts from rocking too damn hard. *lml* #
  • (That *lml* was supposed to be the devil sign. Not sure it works.) #
  • Today I should have: painted the bathroom, gardened, gone to a party. Today I actually: played Tropico, watched X-Files, had a poorly belly. #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2011-07-11)

  • The cat just sneezed so hard that he fell over. #
  • @strowger78: he's fine, he was mid hour-long-hug at the time so was out of the habit of standing up by himself anyway :) #
  • @sarahjarvis: near(ish) you, apparently the asda on holt rd & moortown sainsburys have clothes/textile recycling bins #
  • Need some new (to me) fiction to read: anyone got any suggestions? Books I like – – but contemporary stuff is good too #
  • Went out to get the bus. Missed it. Went back home. Went out to get the next bus. Missed it again. I am the fail. #
  • Next-door-but-one's cat drooled all over my boob during a mad tickle session in the street. #crazycatlady #
  • Last night of our drama showcase this evening – can't wait for an evening off :) #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2011-07-04)

  • Dear naturally cool yet still sunny office, i love you. love, me. #
  • .@johnleach just brought me a jug of squash with ice cubes in it. what, it would have killed him to crush the ice? pff, lazy boyfriend. ;) #
  • Tidied my desk for possibly the first time in 2011. It's strange to be able to see the table top. #
  • @grwndi: if you're being serious and not (just) smutty, we make marrow cake when we're bored of eating it as a veg – #
  • Couldn't work out why my syncing thing had stopped syncing between computers. It'll probably be because I turned it off. *facepalm* #
  • Sad dog is sad because, after a few people-busy weeks, none of her friends have come to visit her today. #
  • Woo, taught the dog a new word: "post" as in "go pick up the post". My plan to have a furry grunting servant is coming to fruition, mwuhahah #
  • Can't wait for @johnleach to go to Leeds Ruby Thing so I can eat leftover curry. #
  • My most common typo: declaring I'm "busty" rather than "busy". #
  • In the sea at southport. Hoping I don't drop my phone. :) #
  • Fun day in Southport – Lily experienced the sea for the first time, very funny. Also had pink&white ice cream and bought books. Many wins. #

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2011-06-27)

  • @Scampering: ugh. i hate grey "chocolate" things. i would have demanded another less grey, less vile dessert if i was you :) #
  • @davidsmalley: hurrah for greenery! :) #
  • Having a week without sugar treats & caffeine. I want to nap so badly right now. #
  • Probably a good thing @johnleach is out of the house today: I feel groggy, tired & irritable. Wonder if it's the lack of sugar or caffeine. #
  • Lily dunking herself in every pool in the beck is cheering me up – happy doggy #
  • Dog, who barks at everything & nothing, was actually barking at something (postman) but i didn't believe her. #dogwhocriedwolf #
  • @grwndi: i got caught singing "where has the dog gone?" to tune of "who let the dogs out" complete with woofs while out t'other day *shame* #
  • @strowger78 @caius i think i speak for @sarahjarvis @andatche @creosotethewife etc when i say SHUT THE CHUFF UP ABOUT PIZZA. #
  • Just changed my ebay account login from a nickname to my real name. Feel like it's a rite de passage into adulthood. #
  • Did I wake up as a vampire? Stood in the sun for five minutes and felt like I was about to burst into flames. #

My life so far in video games – in a venn diagram

After doing the last ones, I just had to do it for this too.

And it was almost as fun as playing the games ;)


(Click to enlarge, naturally.)

My life so far, in video games

Age 5-10:
Platform: ZX Spectrum, ZX Spectrum +2, ZX Spectrum +3
Games of note: Horace Goes Skiing, a Scooby Doo game, some adventure game where I couldn’t get passed the fourth screen no matter how hard I tried, Mailstrom, Paperboy

Age 9-11:
Platform: Commodore 64
Games of note: Snare, Football Manager, Split Personalities, Skool Daze, a Bubble Bobble game, Daly Thompson’s Decathlon,

Age 12-14:
Platform: NES
Game of note: Super Mario Bros 3 (far eclipsing all others to the point that they’re not worth mentioning)

Age 15-19:
Platform: a 286 PC
Games of note: Moria, Monkey Island 2, Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis, Pinball Fantasies (many keys broken), Chemquiz (which is why I know the periodic table and all the elements now)

Age 18-19:
Platform: D’s brother’s PC in Bradford
Game of note: Transport Tycoon Deluxe (my first very antisocial addiction!)

Age 19-21:
Platform: our PC in Liverpool
Games of note: Civilisation 2/Civ 2 Test of Time, Tropico, Age of Empires & Age of Empires 2 (played over the LAN with Alex), The Sims, Shadow Warrior (not the actual game, just the level editor)

Age 21-23:
Platform: Yahoo Games while bored at work
Games of note: Literati (*cough*Scrabble*cough*), Chinese Checkers,

Age 22:
Platform: PSOne at Dan’s and at ours
Game of note: (ours) Tekken 2 & something Tony Hawk-y and (Dan’s) Bustamove 2 (many hours spent putting the world to rights)

Age 23:
Platform: laptop running Debian
Games of note: Five or more, (what is now) Swell Foop

Age 23-26:
Platform: XBox
Games of note: Psychonauts, Fable, something in the Tony Hawk series, Super Mario Bros 3 on an emulator, Soul Calibre 2

Age 25:
Platform: PC
Game of note: World of Warcraft, oh yes.

Age 27-onwards:
Platform: laptop running Ubuntu
Game of note: OpenTTD (Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe)

Age 28:
Platform: Nintendo DS
Game of note: Harvest Moon DS (gardening and keeping chickens before I could in real life)

Age 28-onwards:
Platform: Nintendo DS
Game of note: Scrabble DS, Zookeeper

Age 29-onwards:
Platform: On ubuntu under WINE
Games of note: Age of Empires/AoE 2, Theme Hospital, Tropico

Age 29-30:
Platform: XBox 360
Games of note: Fable 2, Hexic

Age 30:
Platform: PC
Game of note: World of Warcraft, oh yes again.

Five favourite games overall (in no particular order):

  • Super Mario Bros 3
  • World of Warcraft
  • OpenTTD
  • Tropico
  • Psychonauts