- Appear to have bruised the palm pad thing of my right index finger while spinning last night. I'm so frickin' hardcore. #lamecraftinjury #
- While I was in the bathroom, Lily barked to tell me she had a) wrapped herself up in the duvet & b) was cute. http://twitpic.com/1wp8pc #
- After feeding/pooping the neighbours' new puppy, I have a new appreciation for Lily's calmness. I also have a teeth-torn hoodie. #
- Just had an awesome cup of tea – that one in a hundred that is perfect. #
- @sixfour have you seen a local guy is doing the space balloons thing too? first launches from dewsbury http://www.robertharrison.org/icarus/ #
- Been experimenting with more wild garlic seed pod ideas – made two pesto things – one with mint, the other with roasted cumin seeds – fiery! #
- Hiccuping very loudly in bed. The dog keeps looking shocked and going into guard dog mode. #
- @DougCoupland The sun is often the clouds' scapegoat. Not only "partly sunny" but also "the sun's gone in" or "the sun's not shining today". in reply to DougCoupland #
- @tim_waters that sounds like a problem for @recycle_this ! I'll put it on the site tomorrow :) in reply to tim_waters #
- OH: "can i put this down your crack?" / "oh i don't think it's long enough" #
- Tried some of the wild garlic pods that I pickled at the weekend – yum! Will definitely have to do another jar ASAP. #
- Picked more pods for pickling while perambulating with the puppy. #
- Back from the Olive Tree with Katherine. Y.U.M. #
- Hurrah! parasol enables garden working even with my stupid shiny screen! #
- Should not feel this pissed off on such a lovely sunny day. #
- @strowger78 thanks! i am now more confused about what you mean than pissed off with the other stuff ;) in reply to strowger78 #
- @tim_waters cor, they look like real mushrooms! ;) are you growing anything else? in reply to tim_waters #
- @sarahjarvis actually, i received a woolly blanket in the post yesterday so by that reasoning, it should be earth-on-fire scorching today. in reply to sarahjarvis #
- @sarahjarvis I was responsible for the previous 2 cold spells though. Bought flipflops before the 1st, patio table set before the 2nd. Sorry #
- Listening to The Divine Comedy's At the Indie Disco again – and laughing again. It's like my diary from 1997 put to music: scarily accurate! #
- Have finally made the decision to cull what was once my full-time-earning website – will stop updating on its 5th birthday next month… #
- In related news, anyone want to buy a 5yr old website, 14.6k decent content pages (12k unique), WP-based with custom community section…? #
- @will_j heh, no not that one ;) It's way more embarrassing than that – celebrity gossip ;) http://fametastic.co.uk in reply to will_j #
- Looked too much like riff-raff & the dog too much like a child-eater/fox to be allowed into Calverley boot sale. Walked in the woods instead #
- @Kate_McP you'd probably be pushed to spend more than an hour there but it's fun, esp if you buy the grass nuts to feed the goats & sheep :) in reply to Kate_McP #
- @strowger78 i planted those things yesterday too! hurrah for slug-free railings! :) in reply to strowger78 #
- @strowger78 ooh, I thought you just meant on the balcony bit itself – they're very neat. Was thinking about something similar just yesterday in reply to strowger78 #
- @strowger78 yes, quite dear compared to a normal ground trough. might see about making our own: next year, the Peach garden is going 3D ;) in reply to strowger78 #
- @strowger78 strangely, no. The silver birch tree looks weirdly like a 2D cardboard cut-out when viewed from the right angle. ;) in reply to strowger78 #
- Always amused when the cats use my boobs as a shelf for sitting on. Give it 20 years & they can sit on my boobs & my knee at the same time. #
- I like the rhythm of next door's tumble dryer spinning against the party wall, gives the office a womb-like quality. Making me sleepy though #
- Saw a jay in the garden at lunchtime. Silent bob nowhere to be seen though. #
- .@johnleach just quietly moved his head up & down until i realised the HILARIOUS joke he was making re: my last tweet. I might leave him. #
- Had to get stabbed three times before a sufficiently pumpy vein was found. Not fun for a needlephobic! #
- @swirlyarts I make them in GIMP – each frame a separate layer in reply to swirlyarts #
- Hurrah for traffic jams – i'd have missed my bus if the road hadn't been clogged ;) #
- There should be a rule that bus stops can't be within smell range of curry restaurants. #
- RT @manupatree Wild Garlic pods & Hop shoots and some other stuff http://bit.ly/dpzISO << great idea, I'll pickle some pods this weekend! #
- A long shot but does anyone have a white kimono or kimono-esque robe that we can use as a stage costume for a week in July? #
- @davidsmalley the actress is only 13 and slight, but i think that *might* be a little small. ;) in reply to davidsmalley #
- @strowger78 hurrah! were they as soft as you'd hoped? in reply to strowger78 #
- @strowger78 fluffy kitties! cute pics :) in reply to strowger78 #
- @johnleach what more could you want from a search engine? I mean, aside from the results in, alternately, marquee & blink tags. in reply to johnleach #
- @Caius Awesome work – makes me feel queasy looking at it. Put a swirly animated gif background on the results page and you're THERE. #
- @davidsmalley authentic 1998 stylee. in reply to davidsmalley #
- Had a wonderful date night with @johnleach (& Lily). Dinner at Coopers in Guiseley, followed by a walk around the park & cute doggy playing #
- I've got that weird feeling again where it feels like my feet are on backwards. #
- @tim_waters yes, we're ikea ninjas these days. instead of being deadly assassins, we buy cushions but doing it sneaky ninja style. :) in reply to tim_waters #
- Home Delivery Network just dropped an Amazon package through a window in our porch onto tiled floor, 6ft below. Good job it wasn't fragile! #
- Went to the fete at the Leonard Cheshire Home on Clara Dr with Team Slater – bought cute hankies & cake to eat in 1970s style in the garden. #
- Following @manupatree's cue (http://bit.ly/dpzISO), I pickled some wild garlic pods today. Might try making something tapenade-y tomorrow. #
- Oh, and inspired by stinky garlicky hands while cleaning my teeth, I'd also like to try doing something with the pods & some mint… #
- Clearing out some old uni books. Anything with "cyberspace" (or, double gah, "hyperspace") in the title automatically goes in the to-go pile #
- I am to blame for all the rain. I ended the 1st hot spell by buying shorts, the 2nd flipflops & our new patio set arrived yesterday. Sorry. #
- Only doing about 3 things on my to-do list for today but have done chores, baked scones, gardened & spun yarn. So it's ok, I forgive me. #
- @tim_waters hurrah! are you using a kit or did you collect the spores yourself? mushrooms are on our to-grow list – you can be our guru. in reply to tim_waters #
- @strowger78 i meant this one http://fittstim.ls12.net/pcl/sa01/slide_01.html :) #
- For someone who isn't supposed to be working today, I've managed to do quite a bit of work in the last half hour. Naughty me. #
- In yarn heaven at textere mill. #
- Gave myself a budget of £20. Spent £45. Could have been worse (and in my defence, was mostly books). #
- @thattommyhall ooh how long will you be there for? in reply to thattommyhall #
- Had an ace day off: stroked yarn, found a great random fabric shop, ate yummy bread, made yummy bread, spun my first yarn & pinned a pattern #
- Today will be a day of sewing & sowing and dyeing & hopefully not dying. Will also be baking but that doesn't have a homophone. #
- @johnleach boo. in reply to johnleach #
- In case there was any doubt about my hippy status: I just tie dyed something. (I made an arse-"target" on a pair of @johnleach's underpants) #
- Another ace day off: reading Wyndham in the sun, spinning yarn, dyeing yarn & clothes, gardening, lunching, baking, foraging & cooking. Fun! #
- @kaerast he didn't just consent, he begged me to tie dye them (which I've not done before). He now has spiral tie dye pants & a stripey vest in reply to kaerast #
- Need a mini knitting/crochet project for my first handspun yarn – only got 15m so it has to be very mini. Probably be dull & go for a purse. #
- Want to replace some misted up doubleglazed units. Anyone recommend any window people in Leeds/Bradford? #
- Two days off just means I have to do three days worth of work to catch up today. Was still worth it though. #
- The porch/greenhouse reached a very humid 42C this afternoon! My glasses steamed up immediately on entry. Was even too hot for the cats. #
- Just got to meet our neighbours' new puppy – a six week old version of Lily – super gorgeous, might steal. #
- Bought Lily an oinky pig toy. Think we've been having more fun with it than her and she frickin' loves it. #
- Had a wonderful wild food foray with @SlowFoodWYorks @ Bolton Abbey yesterday. Loved the Sweet Cicely, the large bittercress & crayfishing! #
- Went to bed for a ten minute power nap at 8pm last night to grant me energy for a useful evening. Slept for 12 hours. #
- @davidsmalley I think you meant illy not lily. although i can sell you sun-dried "lily beans" if you like. she's made a fresh batch today ;) #
- . @johnleach is pretending to be a robot (actions & noises). apparently robots are really frickin' slow at making me cups of tea. #
- @sarahjarvis tea robot ;) in reply to sarahjarvis #
- I'm happy to take full responsibility for the end of the sunshine: I bought shorts yesterday. Sorry. #
- Two cockchafers (aka wang beetles) are having sexual relations in front of us. My brain's pun lobe just exploded. #
- Just slipped down the stairs and carpet-burned my elbow & upper arse. At least I only spilled tea on myself though, not on the carpet. Phew. #
- Hating HSBC a little more every day. #
- A conversation on IM reveals it took the rain two minutes to travel 1.1miles up the road. #
- @IdleSi yes, toying with the idea of doing a #biglunch – have to get a wriggle on if we want to close our road for it. #bd10 #greengates in reply to IdleSi #
- @SlowFoodWYorks I blogged about our foray day too – http://bit.ly/a7mP1C – we had so much fun! thanks for organising it :D in reply to SlowFoodWYorks #
- Dreamt about hosting a pie website last night & now being followed by a local pie maker. Is the universe trying to tell me something today? #
- @strowger78 happy big cat belly tickling! in reply to strowger78 #
- Lost the last three hours playing on Inkscape. Fun but hungry now. #
- @andatche isn't it John "rms" Leach? http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/mundane-name ;) in reply to andatche #
- A morning of digging will be rewarded by an afternoon of seedling transplanting and hopefully a summer of organic, zero food mile veg! #
- Has had a very productive day. Now to completely waste the evening losing at pointless computer games, yay. #
- Has spent the past hour shaving the dog. #notaeuphemism #honestsweartogoditwasntaeuphemism #
- @strowger78 that's not a lion cub in that picture with lizzie! safari rip off! :) in reply to strowger78 #
- HSBC? Hate-SBC more like. #
- Am definitely ill at the wrong time of year – porch full of seedlings needing potting on/planting out but I'm too tired to do it. Sigh. #
- Had lovely pizza for dinner with @strowger78 & Lizzie. Lily was a pain for her auntie Katherine. Suspect we got the better side of the deal. #
- The worst thing about working in our new office? Our open office door is directly adjacent to next door's open kitchen door. Smells so good. #
- @left_realistic well you would, wouldn't you, you Nazi. ;) in reply to left_realistic #
- Walk in the woods. Speckled sun. Tiny singing birds. Bluebells. A mysterious fruit. More wood sorrel. A nest. New horses. Peeling back bark. #
- Boron just came in from sunbathing with a catkin-fluff beard. It made him look distinguished. And just the slightest bit funny. #
- Enjoyed the food but not the slow/very inattentive service at the usually great Dos Amigos. Oh, and I enjoyed the Katherine company too. :) #
- Thinking of organising a Big Lunch this year… http://www.thebiglunch.com/ #bd10 #greengates #
- Today I'll be slaving away in the garden while @johnleach drinks nice coffee in the sun. A great division of labour as I don't like coffee. #
- @IdleSi Sainsbury's is in Apperley Bridge? Did it move overnight while I wasn't looking? ;) in reply to IdleSi #
- Just when I thought I was better, the crap kicked in again. Sigh. #
- I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. #
- @tim_waters happy ageing and happy bearding! in reply to tim_waters #
- The house is disturbingly quiet without @johnleach and the dog thundering about. #
- …Or it was disturbingly quiet until our neighbour started listening to disco music at full blast. Getting his groove on while making lunch #
- With my back to the window, the blue-with-white-clouds sky & trees are reflected in my blue-with-white-clouds & trees Twitter background. #
- Just had my first blood test in 22 years. Sore and unhappy. Phobias suck, swollen, painful joints suck more. #
- Our lunchtime walk was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a running horse. Thought it was a big dog at first. A REALLY big dog. #
- Lost a day playing Theme Hospital, inspired by Thursday's visit to the doctors. Still not 100% myself but feeling a bit better (again). #
© 2025 Louisa Parry