- ? @really_good: Dreamt about making jam. #preservingnerd #
- Have done a ridiculously small amount of work this week. Must try harder. Or must stop caring about work output. One or the other. #
- Two hour power cut. When does the power come back on? Just as i finally finally find and light all the candles. Sigh. #
- Tried kheer for the first time – pistachio-y creamy rice pudding – yummo! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kheer #
- Dog got all antsy during the Great Yorkshire Earthquake of 2011. By "all antsy" I mean "didn't wake up". Perhaps she sensed it in her sleep. #
- I was once NEARLY KILLED by Clive Anderson (I was crossing the road, he had to slow down and shoo me out of the way) #lametofame #
- The old guy who gets blinded in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves once stopped another minor celebrity from flirting with me. Boo! #lametofame #
- ? @really_good: The insanity of the VAT-on-food regulations http://www.thereallygoodlife.com/1440/ #
- ? @really_good: Ooh first wild mushroom find of the new year and it's a good 'un – oyster mushrooms on a dead birch stump in the woods :D #
- Just got a 131 point word on scrabble on the ds – 'alerting', the a on one triple word score, the g on another. Yay me! ;) #
- @Scampering: dooooooooooooooooooooomed! but also, a little woo or two for getting it finished :) #
- ? @johnleach: Dog thinks she's people. Sleepy people. http://j.mp/hMyUpz #
- Laptop has crashed bizarrely twice today, think it's dying. And so the soul-destroying search for a new one begins… #
- @urbanwide I can't decide whether that's a good thing or a bad thing ;) #
- @urbanwide haha, I totally didn't spot that ;) #
- I seem to have forgotten how to get to sleep. SUCKS. #
- ? @really_good: Yay! I've got 4 people on board for my "buy less than 12 items of clothing in 2011" thing! Anyone else want to join the fun? #
- @sarahjarvis: it's bloomin' hard. As @strowger78 says, you have to pick your battles carefully but I think it's worth it. #
- OH (from my sickbed): "I'm going to give you a goodbye tickle of your tummy … not yours John". #
- Our neighbour is listening to getting-in-the-mood-to-go-out music. Apparently he's going out to a Spanish nightclub in 1985. Very fun! #
- Possibly time to sort out our medicine cabinet: I just had to choose between cough medicine a year out of date or four years out of date. #
- @LouiseEbrey: Sounds like a good challenge. Hope it goes well :) #
- @tim_waters: yep! http://www.recyclethis.co.uk/20101216/our-five-favourite-ways-to-use-up-leftover-turkey ;) #
- A great day. :D #
- @tim_waters: hurrah! hope you enjoyed :) #
- Inspired by @101ofawolf's cat acquisition plans, I started looking at local rescue sites & their cats in need of homes. The dog just sighed. #
- Had a lovely time but mediocre cake with Katherine in Saltaire. #
- A random tall man at the supermarket saw my desperate need for just-out-of-reach muffins & grabbed them for me. Hurrah for random tall men. #
- I hate being ill at the weekend. Boo. #
- @emmakirton @davidquinn so sorry to hear that, he looks like he was a lovely happy chap. my thoughts are with you guys :( #
- @Caius: yeah, I feel the same way about both cathedrals and beautiful old pubs ;) #
- We'd let the dog sleep on the bed for warmth & reassurance. She thanked us by vomiting up a lake of sick at 4am. Poor doggy, poor duvet. #
- @Scampering: some nasty burning wood resin has made our house smell like damp vomit. Swap ya. ;) #
- ? @really_good: We had a frozen egg in the nest box this morning! http://www.thereallygoodlife.com/1193/frozen-egg/ #
- Wish I didn't have to go out tonight. I'm tired and it's cold. Boo to commitments made in better weather/pet-health conditions! #
- Wanted cheap one-click-install hosting, went with Servage. Big mistake: frequent DB accessing errors, domain issues, email issues etc. Avoid #
- Dog is trying to convince us that she intended to do that backwards somersault while licking her bum. Exactly what she planned to do. #
- @xbaz: i just paid mine too – must be the day for it. ;) #
- Today I dealt with 3 different types of animal poo before breakfast & drew cheers from the neighbours by saying "we had solid poo today" #
- Sometimes I think the dog wags her tail not out of happiness/hopefulness but to waft the fart smell away from her so she can blame the cat. #
- ? @johnleach: pipe burst, kitchen flooded. Took the opportunity and put some soap down before mopping up. Clean floor! #
- I appear to have inadvertently got into a staring contest with a squirrel. #
- I made this for @johnleach because I have the sense of humour of a 12 year old – http://twitpic.com/3j6t62 (it's a fennel seed cracker) #
- ? @johnleach: tracked deer tracks through the snow in the woods. saw a huge fox. #
- Had a great weekend – curry Friday night, pizza yesterday, lots of homemade baked goodies, relaxing dog walks and a Bill & Ted doublebill #
- Listening to some of the worst trash talking ever while @johnleach, @giannitedesco & dathan are playing mariokart. #
- Went to bed late. Slept badly. Woke up late. Heating not working. A cracking start to the week. #
- Bashed my big toe going upstairs, fell to my knees & hurt them too. Asked dog to go for help. Dog asked for tummy rub instead. #craplassie #
- @Scampering: mine was entirely self-inflicted (gaming too late then reading) – hope your cats & other half performed better last night :) #
- The Etsy "local items" option makes me want to scream. I shouldn't have to reset the location after every single search. Arrgh. #
- Has coincidentally visited a lot of different sites hosted on @brightbox today. A speedy fast browsing day! ;) #gottheirfingersinallmywebz #
- #uksnow bd10 5/10 big fluffy floaty chunks #
- Still in bed, should probably get up soon… #
- Wondered why the grass was crunching under my feet. Looked down to find thousands of individually frozen dew drops on the blades. #
- Lovely meal with team @brightbox & +1s. I had a nutella and mascarpone calzone. Possibly the most sickly, gooey thing I've ever eaten. Yum! #
- Lol, we were sad Lily couldn't tell us what she'd gone up to on her night with our neighbours. Checked email, neighbours had sent pics! :D #
- @urbanwide: that's what i said to john when i got home too – if we'd taken semaphore flags, we could have chatted across the table :) #
- Have to leave the house today. The stove-warmed house. The animal-filled, stove-warmed house with Mumford & Sons playing. Don't wanna go :( #
- @IdleSi: I have a strange almost-sexual attraction to the way he pronounces his consonants. I'm too weak-kneed to escape while it's playing. #
- Lily-dog and Carla-cat have spent most of the evening asleep together. The bonding power of winter. #
- While I'm reading about Deliverance, the forgotten-about plumber silently sticks his head around the door. Frightened the crap out of me! #
- The dog jumped up and it was at that moment that the cat realised she hadn't been sat on a self-warming cushion after all. #
- Not a great start to the morning – two of my best girls are feeling poorly – Lily-dog & Lime the chicken :( #
- @IdleSi: Possibly. Or too much running around after Pippy and the kids in the cold. She forgets she's a little old lady sometimes :) #
- After the chickens have their porridge, they like to wipe their beaks. Today one stole a tissue from my pocket to wipe with! #
- Lily seems a lot better now – not 100% but better. Think she was faking to have a lazy Sunday. She's such a good fit for Team Peach. #
- ? @really_good: My Google-Fu is failing. How do I make a Caribbean-style sweet gravy? Not a marinade, an actual gravy. All ideas welcome! #
- Back from an intense 2.5hrs doing the last rehearsals before the kids' drama exams tomorrow & Friday. Hope they do as well as they should! #
- Might have just killed a budding internet friendship by posting links to fetish pictures in their blog comments… ;) #
- (Fellow filthy minded people, these are said pics http://is.gd/ipzBa They're not that dirty really. Just when knitting and kinky collide.) #
- @IdleSi: where have you see David Ward supports it? I'm not disagreeing that he's said that, I just want evidence to write to him about it. #
- For the record I don't have the patience to knit anything that involved. And also I'm itching & gahing at the thought of all that wool. Gah! #
- @Scampering: I know! I'd previously seen a more disturbing set (imagine, if you will, velcro slits) but unfortunately I can't find them now. #
- @kaerast: both very good points. and you'd want to wash them A LOT. there are so many goodreasons not to develop a wool fetish, so many. #
- I can either smell burning or poo. Or burning poo. #
- ? @recycle_this: Our favourite ways to make recycled Christmas decorations http://is.gd/ir2lt Lots of lovely stuff, no paperchains in sight! #
- .@johnleach & i took stones onto the bridge over the canal & threw them hard at the frozen surface. they bounced with a cool noise. #
- Well, that was a lot closer than I thought it would be. Still angry as hell though. #tuitionfees #
- @IdleSi: just seen it. what a tosser. and phillip davis says he voted against. does that mean we have to like him now? #
- Echoing @grwndi, I left uni with £7k of debt, took me 9 years to pay it off. Poor kids leaving with £30-40k debt, saddled for life. #
- @Squiggle: go Green, all the cool kids are doing it. ;) #
- Nearly went on the dog walk without a coat. It's positively tropical out there! #
- Today I have ticked off two big been-lingering-for-a-while jobs. Hurrah! #
- Inhaling the gorgeous aroma of sweaty cat for the first time in ages. #
- Lovely day in Meanwood – first running about in the woods, then reading the paper & dogwatching at East of Arcadia. Food bit mediocre though #
- @thattommyhall: all of you or just one part of you? is it amaretto seeping out of your pores? #
- The cat has found a way to sit on the clean washing before I've even put it in the laundry basket = climb on the airer. fur everywhere. #
- .@johnleach would like no one to know that for tea he'll be cooking something from yesterday's Guardian (albeit with chicken not pheasant) #
© 2025 Louisa Parry