- has completed disappointingly few items from her to-do list today but have crossed off some big things, which is at least something. #
- only intended to come back onto her laptop for a second but got distracted by the world that lives on here. boo interesting things, boo. #
- might very well just scream. #
- apologies to strowger78 for suggesting that it might be worthwhile dual-booting his laptop. it was clearly not worth it. sorry. #
- watches 3 cats cheese it from the same place – wonders what lured them all over there in the first place and then what scared them away. #
- @IdleSi I’ve pimped #sausagefest on ThingsToDoToday – http://www.thingstodotoday.org/2009/07/14 – we’ll be sausaging later :) #
- watches 12 year old neighbour flirts with a should-know-better 30-something neighbour. is somewhat disturbed. #
- has a legitimate work reason to be reading Twitter. awesome. #
- has watched the magpies eating cat biscuits for the last few weeks, now the cats are eating the sunflower seeds put out for the magpies. #
- realises as the sausages and mash are being served that they should have made onion gravy too. doh. #sausagefest #
- wonders if anyone has an ad network recommendations – to be used in addition to Adsense preferably. #
- realises she’s going to get spammed to buggery by bots for that last tweet. hopefully the actual advice from real people will be worth it :) #
- is glad she has guard cats protecting her from the scary outside world: http://bit.ly/guard-cats #
- @sugarquay isn’t that illegal? even for equal ops monitoring, i thought there always had to be a “would prefer not to say” option in reply to sugarquay #
- @sugarquay they were once mighty? in reply to sugarquay #
- is warm. #
- and @jeremyjarvis pull more people into their magical WordPress whirlwind of unproductivity. #
- thinks a helicopter is hovering directly over the house or the magpies are getting *really* persistent. #
- is being seriously stalked by the magpies now: they were on the bedroom window sill this morning & are now staring at me from the phoneline. #
- is fighting with the cat for control of the cursor – she’s moving the mouse, i’m moving on the trackpad. #
- wishes she could go to the cinema in her pyjamas. may blind the fellow filmgoers with their garishness though. #
- thinks she’d like to try a day of sea fishing from the north yorks coast this summer. any recommendations? anyone want to join? #
- dropped a whole lot of popcorn down her cleavage. Snacks for later. #
- is frustrated at being unable to find out any information online about a quilting bee tomorrow at scrap in leeds. anyone know any details? #
- saw a flyer for said quilting day in arcadia last night so will have to return there if the internet fails. @johnleach will be delighted. #
- is feeling queasy :( #
- has an idea involving bottle caps and a big hammer. will have to wait until I’m feeling better tomorrow though. #
- lets out an anguished wail: “no brown sauce!” #
- realises if she has any “things to do before turning 30”, she has just 6 hours, 39 minutes left to do them in. #
© 2025 Louisa Parry
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