- donned leather palmed gardening gloves at midnight to help a stranded hedgehog back over the little wall into the park. #
- thought she swept up all her sewing fluff and cut-offs last night. In the light of day, it’s apparent she did not. #
- is easily amused: “Which cheese would you use to entice a grizzly down from a mountain? Camembert.” teehee. #
- is getting over-excited looking at small animals. *bounces* #
- had a lovely day out with katherine – lots of animals and a lovely lunch too. shame the weather got in the way of paddling though. #
- is in a vicious circle: when I get stressed, my ears hurt; when my ears hurt, I get more stressed. #
- starts the day with a game of catch the cat vomit. #
- has a fading stamp on her hand: a casual observer may think it’s from some cool exclusive club; it’s really from a stroke-the-animals farm #
- accidentally deletes a whole bunch of her personal email while cleaning out fluff and stuff from under the delete key. #
- has some very excited cats. #
- loves the internet, loves the internet very much. i want to hug it. #
- is ready to go for pizza but no one else is. HINT. #
- ate a smidgen too much at lunch. by “a smidgen”, i mean half a pizza and a slab of rocky road too much. #
- just nearly knocked a glass of water over @johnleach’s new phone. sssh! don’t tell him. #
- is *still* full of pizza. #
- is delighted how much the cats love poached salmon trimmings – best 15p i’ve ever spent ;) #
- woke up feeling good and happy. turned on laptop, instantly deflated. sigh. #
- very much likes this today: http://little-people.blogspot.com (link from @threebt) I think I have seen them before but they still delight :) #
- would like to apologise to everyone – it’s my fault it’s got windy and is about to rain – i thought i’d dry some washing outside. sorry. #
- feels strangely lost whenever Wikipedia blips off the internetz for a moment. #
- is taking our poorly cat Silicon to the vets for the last time. heart breaking. :( #
- dreamt about Sili. In the dream, I told her I was dreaming because “you’re not here any more” and she was lovely old, pre-cancer Sili. :( #
- is having lunch lovingly prepared for her by @johnleach. He’s enjoying eating raw carrot just a little too much. #
- has a question for people at Unity Day: heading down there shortly, should I wear trainers or wellies? #unityday #
- is very pleased to have randomly come across this photo on Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/7kFbf #
- returns from Unity Day. Glad I wore my wellies. Not the best Gillroyd Parade gig ever because of sound issues but a fun evening anyway. :) #
- loves having Sundays off work now. #
- looks up Thora Birch’s age on IMDb so @johnleach knows whether or not he can find her attractive in Ghostworld. She was 19, so he can. #
© 2025 Louisa Parry
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