3BT – I saw it too, turn on/turn off, ice crystals

1. A squirrel appears on the fence just a foot away from Boron. He stares at it without moving and it stares back for a moment before escaping into the tree. Boron turns around to look at me – his eyes are shining with excitement and we share a blink.

2. I hear music and John’s laughter from the other room. He’s discovered these marvellous things: http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Most-Useless-Machine/.

3. Our neighbour, fresh back from Banff, Canada, tells us about what it was like to breath ice crystals.

1 Comment

  1. Ha! It’s like something out of Wallace and Grommit. It also reminds me of the strange contraptions my father used to make from Technic Lego — all whirring cogs and thrusting pistons that did… nothing. We called them Billy Bean machines.

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