• I've written about my Encounters with Remarkable Biscuits over the years, mmm biscuits – http://bit.ly/louisa-biscuits #
  • @davidsmalley thousands of pounds?! how come that much? I think it only costs us about £300 a year extra to be ltd rather than a partnership in reply to davidsmalley #
  • Had a dream that I was using World of Warcraft's Track Humanoids map view to follow Star Trek characters around Liverpool. I might be a nerd #
  • Katherine & I are recovering from our evening of theatrical 'entertainment' by consuming oversized slices of chocolate cake. #
  • @thattommyhall It was…interesting. Bigger screens/subtitles would have improved it a lot: they were distractingly, squint-inducingly small in reply to thattommyhall #
  • The cats can't decide where to focus their attention – the man with the chainsaw or his two dogs in our garden. #
  • Had a fun day, intermingling work, playing with the tree surgeon's dogs in the garden and tea'n'caking with Katherine & Joe. :D #
  • Exhausted. Sorted the giant pile of ivy and branches in the garden, wood stacked to season. Leftovers for lunch now :) #