- .@johnleach is claiming the jointly-bought lego is his. he is lying. time to call the whole thing off? #
- Looking at pictures of snowy landscapes and having World of Warcraft flashbacks: fighting Ice Thistle yetis near Everlook. #LikeNamForNerds #
- .@johnleach's spaghetti sauce smells awesome, can't wait to eat it. #notaeuphemism #
- Considering going back to bed. #
- Just sent Lily for a walk for the next-door-but-one neighbour and their dog – her first walk without us. Felt like the first school. #
- Lily ran home as soon as she was let off lead. Now sulking at being forced to go in the first place. Reminds me a lot of my time at nursery #
- Had a lovely walk to the meadow with Lily & Boron. When we got there, B & I cuddled in the sun while Lily did dog things. Win all round. #
- Anyone got any *personal* finance software recommendations (web-based or linux)? (not freelancing/small business ones) #
- @strowger78 Just playing with that at the moment since I'm obv familiar with Xero. Got some probs that seem almost insurmountable though. in reply to strowger78 #
- @thattommyhall setting up spreadsheets seems more work than just importing statements into decent software. Plus auto-made graphs, purr… in reply to thattommyhall #
- @strowger78 heh. personal xero also has less graphs on the dashboard than business xero, that's another black mark against it. in reply to strowger78 #
- Spent all evening trying different personal finance software apps. All either massively over-complicated or missing key basic features. Sigh #
- No internet this morning, boo. Have been trying to write an article offline, got 2000 words, all useless, sigh. #
- Deliberately lost in the woods. Found fallen down buildings, odd manmade structures & cool fungi. @johnleach will be well jealous. #
- Also i know it's evil but i love the smell of himalayan balsam #
- Just had one of those moments where you think you know where you're going but have actually just walked in a circle. Now stuck in a holl … #
- Oh, fyi, my marker to tell me i'd walked in a circle was a hole that looked like a shallow grave. Possibly not so ace. #
- (The texted tweet which got cut off ended "now stuck in a holly bush after a path suddenly ended. Ace") #
- Trying to decide whether I should spend the afternoon doing or sitting. Sitting is looking like a forerunner at the moment. #
- Shopping for jam making supplies has used up all my jam making energy. At least I have it in for next time. And I also have ice cream. #
© 2025 Louisa Parry
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