- The best thing about the weather getting colder – increased animal love. #
- (I mean actual animals – the cats and dog – I'm not being euphemistic about the leach) #
- In case anyone is following this and the RSS feed for my old site, ThingsToDoToday – the domain lapsed and isn't mine any more. Regretful. #
- Had a lovely long walk and tea & tiffin at Golden Acre Park with Katherine, Joe & Lily dog. #
- Manic 5 hours – the head drama tutor was away so we had to lead the two classes ourselves. Could have been better but no one died. So win. #
- Had a dream that Gael Garcia Bernal was rescuing about-to-be-abused kittens. CUTEST. DREAM. EVER. #
- Goat curry with Team @Brightbox then took the hound for a long walk around Roundhay Park. Lots o' fun. #
- I've done a crapload of work today. Time to celebrate productivity (and kinda the end of a project too) with a large quantity of junk food. #
- Just used Yahoo for a search. First time in a decade. How are they still in business? #
- Interesting article about microloans in this month's Red Pepper. Just because it feels good doesn't mean it's doing good. http://is.gd/g4oQM #
- Hung curtains in the office, walked & foraged at Thackley, de-pooped the chicken coop, tidied garden, found potatoes, now food & collapse. #
- .@johnleach is giving me a double thumbs up to try to convince me that "garlicky choc digestive" is the new taste sensation. Do not believe. #
© 2025 Louisa Parry
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