- Went to bed late. Slept badly. Woke up late. Heating not working. A cracking start to the week. #
- Bashed my big toe going upstairs, fell to my knees & hurt them too. Asked dog to go for help. Dog asked for tummy rub instead. #craplassie #
- @Scampering: mine was entirely self-inflicted (gaming too late then reading) – hope your cats & other half performed better last night :) #
- The Etsy "local items" option makes me want to scream. I shouldn't have to reset the location after every single search. Arrgh. #
- Has coincidentally visited a lot of different sites hosted on @brightbox today. A speedy fast browsing day! ;) #gottheirfingersinallmywebz #
- #uksnow bd10 5/10 big fluffy floaty chunks #
- Still in bed, should probably get up soon… #
- Wondered why the grass was crunching under my feet. Looked down to find thousands of individually frozen dew drops on the blades. #
- Lovely meal with team @brightbox & +1s. I had a nutella and mascarpone calzone. Possibly the most sickly, gooey thing I've ever eaten. Yum! #
- Lol, we were sad Lily couldn't tell us what she'd gone up to on her night with our neighbours. Checked email, neighbours had sent pics! :D #
- @urbanwide: that's what i said to john when i got home too – if we'd taken semaphore flags, we could have chatted across the table :) #
- Have to leave the house today. The stove-warmed house. The animal-filled, stove-warmed house with Mumford & Sons playing. Don't wanna go :( #
- @IdleSi: I have a strange almost-sexual attraction to the way he pronounces his consonants. I'm too weak-kneed to escape while it's playing. #
- Lily-dog and Carla-cat have spent most of the evening asleep together. The bonding power of winter. #
- While I'm reading about Deliverance, the forgotten-about plumber silently sticks his head around the door. Frightened the crap out of me! #
- The dog jumped up and it was at that moment that the cat realised she hadn't been sat on a self-warming cushion after all. #
- Not a great start to the morning – two of my best girls are feeling poorly – Lily-dog & Lime the chicken :( #
- @IdleSi: Possibly. Or too much running around after Pippy and the kids in the cold. She forgets she's a little old lady sometimes :) #
- After the chickens have their porridge, they like to wipe their beaks. Today one stole a tissue from my pocket to wipe with! #
- Lily seems a lot better now – not 100% but better. Think she was faking to have a lazy Sunday. She's such a good fit for Team Peach. #
© 2025 Louisa Parry
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