We both had a rare day off mid-week to go for lunch and work on our own hobby projects and what-have-you. It’s been lovely!
1. The lemon sweetness of the fish contrasts beautifully with the smoky casserole. It reminds me of meals past: of cod and dover sole at Sous Le Nez a decade ago and the similar casserole I made last week (though I put lentils with the merguez sausages rather than beans).
1b. Melancholy dogs peek around the chair legs and people legs to keep an eye on each other.
1c. A fresh cream bun and a nice cup of tea.
2. Unusually for her, Lily is interested in the lively young springer racing around at the edge of the cricket pitch. The pup wants to meet her too, but, more importantly, wants to protect his toys from the interloper.
2b. That park always surprises me. In my mind’s eye, it’s just a flat stretch of green with a problematic pond at the back but actually, there are copses, a beck, secret slopes and interesting old buildings (or bits of buildings) to wonder about too.
3. Crocheting granny square blankets tickles my micro-reward lobe, just like certain computer games. The end of each round is a little achievement; then the end of each colour; each square; each colourway… It drives me on.
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