1. I join Lily outside for a mid-morning survey of the land. We pad about the top patio to see what’s sprouting. (Answer = lots of things: the gladioli and one of the dahlias, the radishes and the lettuce, oxalis, fuchsia and chives; the dogwood and crocosmia have been growing their green for months now and the aquilegia and dicentra are already in full bloom; finally, there are the perennial herbs that have leafed afresh again and the zombie nasturtium that forgot to die over winter.)

2. A parcel arrives from Canada, covered in pretty stamps. The book inside is wonderful: old but in good condition, an interesting cubist picture on the cover and the undamaged edges of the pages dyed a deep orange.

3. As I crochet, I listen to some podcasts and talks – they’re funny fluff really but I pick up a gem of knowledge or insight from each one.