It’s a year since our kitties came to live with us. They sat on a sofa for the first time, they heard music for the first time, and we made them purr for the first time. A happy day.

1. I leave the house just after a power cut so there is a cacophony of burglar alarms ringing as I walk to the shop. Some of the whines are just plain annoying but it’s fun listening to the others rise and fall as I walk down the road: I imagine the sound waves as coloured lines, bending and distorting around trees and houses to reach me.

1b. I walk back, enjoying the breeze and the comparative silence.

2. The best lunch, made from leftovers of fantastic meals.

3. We dance, me and the dog, to Sometimes I Don’t Mind – aka my favourite song about a dog. We lie on the rug together and wave our front paws in the air, then one of us stands on her hind legs and flaps about even more, while the other bangs her tail on the ground.

4. When the strength of the sun starts to wane, I go to the allotment to potter. I finish off the rest of the fruit bush bed with far more enthusiasm than I could muster on Tuesday and sow zig zags of carrot seeds.