1. I had gone to bed delighted at the prospect of a proper lie-in – a delivery disturbs us before I want to wake up and then the sun is annoyingly bright, but I manage to get back to sleep eventually.
2. We see lots of cats on our walk. The first is sat on a fence on the main road – she looks a lot like my beloved old Carla and it makes me miss my lady terribly. The second, my fluffy allotment friend, is chased up a tree by some passing dogs – not Lily but the kitty waits there until she sees us leaving the area anyway. The third, a little ginger kitty, is stalking scents around the garage’s yard and the fourth is sat on the wall, enjoying the quietness of the school playground.
3. I can’t work out how to make my fingers do something (navajo/chain ply yarn) but then, almost by themselves, they seem to get the knack. Like when I was first learning to spin on the wheel, I go through patches of being able to do it perfectly then losing it but I know in time it’ll come – and it’ll probably come all the quicker if I don’t think about it too much: I should trust my fingers.
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