1. I’m amazed how the floppy scratty lettuces have pulled together: they all look perky and real.

1b. The cauliflower plugs fill the last of my main bed space across both the plots. There are still some tiny patches (and some new perennial spots) to fill but I take a moment to enjoy the achievement.

2. Lily knows that someone – someone with a dog – is at the door and she wants to say hello. I know the other dog is a shy old lady too so it’s a good match: tails wag and sniffing happens but no one gets in each other’s face.

3. S introduces me to a new game by thrusting his phone into my hands. Within minutes, I’ve got it on my own phone and a new – hopefully brief – addiction is started.

3b. There is a lightness to the evening that feels like it’s been missing recently. We laugh a lot.

3c. John’s the only one in trousers: the rest of us are in summer mode, in shorts and skirts.