1. Finally, a day without snow. I sow beans in the greenhouse and pot on some cramped cucumbers and assorted squash. Next door’s R-kitten supervises my work.
2. The deer is back again and is confident enough to stay even when I go out onto the balcony with the cats. The cats watch it as it eats great green clumps of grass and dandelions.
3. R-kitten wrestles and plays with M-dog to distract us from our disheartening meeting.
3b. I work too late and need to eat quickly – I’m so glad that I have leftover curry ready to go.
3c. I sit on the window seat while I chat to my mum. Kaufman stares at me for stealing his usual spot but then realises he can join me.
3d. John and I chat for his entire journey home. We only hang up when he is through the door.
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